Related categories: Programming, C, x86 assembly, Java
Reference Huffman coding
How to implement the discrete Fourier transform
Simple DEFLATE decompressor
Free small FFT in multiple languages
Forcing a file’s CRC to any value
Reference arithmetic coding
Smallest enclosing circle
NetPerSec (Nayuki’s version)
Next lexicographical permutation algorithm
Tiny PNG Output
AVL tree list
Binary array set
Binomial heap
Knuth–Morris–Pratt string matching
Unsigned int considered harmful for Java
Bitcoin cryptography library
Fast Fourier transform in x86 assembly
Disjoint-set data structure
QR Code generator library
The versatile sieve of Eratosthenes
B-tree set
Undefined behavior in C and C++ programs
sRGB transform library
Sliding window minimum/maximum algorithm
Near-duplicate features of C++
Convex hull algorithm
Fast discrete cosine transform algorithms
Pervasive Displays e-paper panel hardware driver
Binary indexed tree
Summary of C/C++ integer rules
Time-based One-Time Password tools
Macshift (Nayuki’s version)
Zeller’s congruence