Related categories: Programming, C, x86 assembly, Java
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- How to implement the discrete Fourier transform
- Simple DEFLATE decompressor
- Free small FFT in multiple languages
- Forcing a file’s CRC to any value
- Reference arithmetic coding
- Smallest enclosing circle
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- Tiny PNG Output
- AVL tree list
- Binary array set
- Binomial heap
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt string matching
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- Bitcoin cryptography library
- Fast Fourier transform in x86 assembly
- Disjoint-set data structure
- QR Code generator library
- The versatile sieve of Eratosthenes
- B-tree set
- Undefined behavior in C and C++ programs
- sRGB transform library
- Sliding window minimum/maximum algorithm
- Near-duplicate features of C++
- Convex hull algorithm
- Fast discrete cosine transform algorithms
- Pervasive Displays e-paper panel hardware driver
- Binary indexed tree
- Summary of C/C++ integer rules
- Time-based One-Time Password tools
- Macshift (Nayuki’s version)
- Zeller’s congruence