JavaScript / TypeScript
Related categories: Programming, Java, Python
Caesar cipher (JavaScript)
Calculate prime factorization (JavaScript)
Calculate divisors (JavaScript)
Calculate GCD (JavaScript)
Vigenère cipher (JavaScript)
Chemical equation balancer (JavaScript)
Fast Fibonacci algorithms
Triangle solver (JavaScript)
Automatic Caesar cipher breaker (JavaScript)
Brainfuck interpreter (JavaScript)
Tap to measure tempo (JavaScript)
Full screen clock (JavaScript)
Simple DEFLATE decompressor
Propositional sequent calculus prover
Free small FFT in multiple languages
Factorize Gaussian integer (JavaScript)
Smallest enclosing circle
Resizing images by area
Next lexicographical permutation algorithm
Master theorem solver (JavaScript)
Canada Tax-Free Savings Account simulator (JavaScript)
Random password generator (JavaScript)
AVL tree list
Knuth–Morris–Pratt string matching
Panel de Pon puzzle solver (JavaScript)
1D barcode generator (JavaScript)
Tablet desk clock
Symmetry sketcher (JavaScript)
Simulated annealing demo
Image unshredder by annealing
MamIRC, the headless IRC client
Animated floating graph nodes
Disjoint-set data structure
QR Code generator library
Knuth’s -yllion number notation
Batch up new messages in Gmail for better productivity
Gaussian blur demo
The versatile sieve of Eratosthenes
Band-limited square waves
sRGB transform library
Number-theoretic transform (integer DFT)
Convex hull algorithm
Fast discrete cosine transform algorithms
Binary indexed tree
Optimal text segmentation for QR Codes
Creating a QR Code step by step
BitTorrent bencode format tools
Time-based One-Time Password tools
PNG file chunk inspector
Zeller’s congruence
SQLite database file visualizations
Tax brackets visualizations