Related categories: General, Math
Languages: Java, JavaScript / TypeScript, Python, C++, x86 assembly, C
Topics: Cryptography, Image processing, Language critique
Caesar cipher (JavaScript)
Calculate prime factorization (JavaScript)
Calculate divisors (JavaScript)
Calculate GCD (JavaScript)
Vigenère cipher (JavaScript)
Reference Huffman coding
Is there an ideal comparison sort?
Chemical equation balancer (JavaScript)
Karatsuba multiplication
Fast Fibonacci algorithms
How to implement the discrete Fourier transform
Triangle solver (JavaScript)
Automatic Caesar cipher breaker (JavaScript)
Project Euler solutions
Brainfuck interpreter (JavaScript)
Tiny Encryption Algorithm in x86 assembly
RC4 cipher in x86 assembly
Sorting algorithms demo (Java)
DWITE programming contest solutions
Tap to measure tempo (JavaScript)
Fast skipping in a linear congruential generator
Unspecified edge cases in the DEFLATE standard
Some bit-twiddling functions explained
BMP I/O library (Java)
Full screen clock (JavaScript)
Java’s signed byte type is a mistake
Binary counter in brainfuck
Good Java idioms
Dumb PNG output (Java)
Fast MD5 hash implementation in x86 assembly
Fast SHA-1 hash implementation in x86 assembly
Fast Whirlpool hash in x86 assembly
Galois linear feedback shift register
Primitive recursive functions
Simple DEFLATE decompressor
Propositional sequent calculus prover
Manufactoria solutions
Free small FFT in multiple languages
Prayer brackets
Forcing a file’s CRC to any value
Automatic Minesweeper solver
Factorize Gaussian integer (JavaScript)
Optimizing brainfuck compiler
Reference arithmetic coding
Gauss–Jordan elimination over any field
NotepadCrypt format decrypter (Java)
Smallest enclosing circle
Example of simplifying and improving code
NetPerSec (Nayuki’s version)
Next lexicographical permutation algorithm
Fast SHA-2 hashes in x86 assembly
A math/programming view of Canada GST/HST credit calculation
Master theorem solver (JavaScript)
Tiny PNG Output
AES cipher internals in Excel
Sinc-based image resampler
Canada Tax-Free Savings Account simulator (JavaScript)
Overview of Project Nayuki software licenses
DES cipher internals in Excel
Computing Wikipedia’s internal PageRanks
Approximating Euler’s number correctly
Lowest SHA-512 value by brute force
Iterated popcount results in 0 or 1
Portable FloatMap format I/O (Java)
Random password generator (JavaScript)
Windows timestamp accessor library
AVL tree list
Gamma-aware image dithering
Binary array set
Binomial heap
Native hash functions for Java
Montgomery reduction algorithm
Knuth–Morris–Pratt string matching
Huffman-coding English words
DEFLATE library (Java)
Panel de Pon puzzle solver (JavaScript)
Unsigned int considered harmful for Java
1D barcode generator (JavaScript)
Barrett reduction algorithm
GIF89a specification (HTML)
GIF optimizer (Java)
Bitcoin cryptography library
Compact hash map (Java)
Fast Fourier transform in x86 assembly
Tablet desk clock
JSON library (Java)
Cryptographic primitives in plain Python
Symmetry sketcher (JavaScript)
Simulated annealing demo
Image unshredder by annealing
MamIRC, the headless IRC client
Animated floating graph nodes
Disjoint-set data structure
What are binary and text files?
A fundamental introduction to x86 assembly programming
Large arrays proposal for Java
Java BigInteger was made for RSA cryptography
Encrypted backup client for Dropbox
QR Code generator library
Knuth’s -yllion number notation
Java Native Interface compared to Python/C API
Batch up new messages in Gmail for better productivity
Being a polyglot programmer
Gaussian blur demo
The versatile sieve of Eratosthenes
CSC258 computer debugger
Band-limited square waves
GO Train acceleration analyzed by video
Reed–Solomon error-correcting code decoder
B-tree set
Undefined behavior in C and C++ programs
Simple FLAC implementation
Benchmark of Nayuki’s FLAC encoder
Git library (Java)
FLAC library (Java)
Simple GUI FLAC player (Java)
sRGB transform library
MATLAB language pet peeves
Sliding window minimum/maximum algorithm
Near-duplicate features of C++
Number-theoretic transform (integer DFT)
Convex hull algorithm
Fast discrete cosine transform algorithms
Java SE 5 is the most significant release
Fast QR Code generator library
Pervasive Displays e-paper panel hardware driver
Elliptic curve point addition in projective coordinates
AA tree set
Binary indexed tree
Optimal text segmentation for QR Codes
Creating a QR Code step by step
Don’t share commented-out code
Self-encrypted cache structure
Summary of C/C++ integer rules
BitTorrent bencode format tools
My code style
Time-based One-Time Password tools
Ending my support for Python 2
Skill levels in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Practical guide to XHTML
PNG file chunk inspector
Macshift (Nayuki’s version)
Zeller’s congruence
PNG library
SQLite database file visualizations
DEFLATE specification v1.3 (HTML)
Tax brackets visualizations
Concurrent programming with monitors